Middle School

Students in sixth through eighth grade at St. Francis de Sales are enrolled in classes that are taught by teachers who specialize in specific content areas. Students are provided Chromebooks on a 1:1 basis that enrich the learning experience in student-centered classrooms that place a priority on 21st Century skills including, but not limited to, collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creativity. 

Middle School Curriculum

6th Grade

7th Grade

8th Grade




- Prayer


-Feasts and seasons


  • PRIMARY TEXT: Blessed Are We, Benzinger
  • The Bible
    • How Catholics read it
    • History 
    • Books of the Bible
    • Bible passage lookup
  • Old Testament Patriarchs: Our Ancestors in Faith
    • Creation and Covenant
    • Abraham
    • Isaac
    • Jacob
    • Joseph
    • Moses
  • PRIMARY TEXT: Blessed Are We, Benzinger
  • Jesus Christ, the Way
    • The Impact of Jesus
    • Friendship with Jesus
    • Scripture
    • The Early Life of Jesus
    • The Mission of Jesus
    • The Apostles and Mary
  • Jesus Christ, the Truth
    • Parables
    •  Miracles 
    • The Message of Jesus
    • Beatitudes
  • Jesus Christ, the Life
    • Living Faith in Jesus
    • Jesus’ Final Hours and Victory over Death
  • The Sacraments
  • PRIMARY TEXT: Blessed Are We, Benzinger
  • The Mystery of the Church
  • The Marks of the Church
    • One
    • Holy
    • Catholic 
    • Apostolic
  • Church History
  • The Way of the Church
    • Holiness
    • Faith
    • Worship
    • Family
    • Social Justice


Grade Level Sequence

ALL MIDDLE SCHOOL GRADES focus on the Eight Mathematical Practices:

1)Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them

 2)Reason abstractly and quantitatively

3) Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others

4) Model with mathematics

5) Use appropriate tools strategically

6) Attend to precision

7) Look for and make use of structure

8) Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning

  • PRIMARY TEXT: Envision, Savvas Learning Company
  • Composing and Decomposing Numbers
  • Ratios and Percents
  • Introduction to Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities
  • Extending the Number Lines and the Coordinate Plane
  • Statistics
  • PRIMARY TEXT: Envision, Savvas Learning Company
  • Proportionality
  • Integer Operations
  • Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities
  • Populations and Probabilities
  • Angles
  • Volume of Pyramids
  • PRIMARY TEXT: Envision, Savvas Learning Company
  • Transformations
  • Linear Relationships and Functions
  • Systems
  • Pythagorean Theorem
  • Exponents
  • Volume of Curved Figures

MATHEMATICS Accelerated Sequence

  • PRIMARY TEXT: Envision, Savvas Learning Company
  • Proportionality
  • Integer Operations
  • Expressions, Equations, and Inequalities
  • Populations and Probabilities
  • Angles, and Volume of Pyramids
  • PRIMARY TEXT: Envision, Savvas Learning Company
  • Transformations
  • Linear Relationships and Functions
  • Systems
  • Pythagorean Theorem
  • Exponents
  • Volume of Curved Figures
  • PRIMARY TEXT: Envision Algebra, Savvas Learning Company
  • Patterns
  • Sequences
  • Linear Regressions
  • Linear Functions, Equations, and Inequalities
  • Systems
  • Exponential Functions
  • Distributions
  • Quadratic Functions



- Balance of fiction and nonfiction

- Independent reading goals and projects

- Fluency with increasingly complex and/or lengthy texts

- Emphasis on comprehension and analysis skills

- Collaborative discussion: expressing thoughts clearly, actively listening, and thoughtfully responding

  • PRIMARY TEXT: Great Expectations, Scott Foresman
  • Textual evidence
  • Theme: topics and details that support theme
  • Writing a text summary
  • Plot devices: conflict, complications, climax
  • Vocabulary: word meanings, connotation, figurative language, word choice
  • Narrative point of view
  • Text forms and genres, paired texts
  • PRIMARY TEXT: Elements of Literature, Holt
  • Textual evidence: multiple examples
  • Theme: development and theme statements
  • Writing an objective text summary
  • Plot structure: exposition, conflict, complications, climax, falling action, resolution
  • Vocabulary: word meanings, connotation, figurative language, word choice, sound devices
  • Author’s viewpoint/tone
  • Argument and claims analysis
  • PRIMARY TEXT: Elements of Literature, Holt
  • Textual evidence: strongest examples
  • Theme: as it relates to characters and theme statements
  • Writing an objective summary including elements of plot, character, and setting
  • Plot development: types of conflicts, character development, and impact of setting
  • Vocabulary: word meanings, connotation, figurative language, word choice, tone, analogies, allusions
  • Author’s perspective and narrative tools
  • Argument counterpoints and evaluation



- The writing process: prewriting, drafting, editing, revising, publishing

- Writing fluency

- Writing and grammar integration

- Speech

  • PRIMARY TEXT: Voyages in English, Loyola Press
  • Narrative, Expository, Persuasive -- Emphasis on Narrative 
  • Research skills/MLA
  • Grammar: Warriner’s and VIE, with a focus on pronoun use
  • PRIMARY TEXT: Voyages in English, Loyola Press
  • Narrative, Expository, Persuasive--Emphasis on Expository
  • Research report/MLA
  • Grammar: Warriner’s and VIE, with a focus on phrases and clauses
  • PRIMARY TEXT: Voyages in English, Loyola Press
  • Narrative, Expository, Persuasive--Emphasis on Persuasive
  • Research project/MLA
  • Grammar: Warriner’s and VIE, with a focus on verbs and verbals


ALL MIDDLE SCHOOL GRADES focus on Science and Engineering Practices:

- Asking Questions & Defining Problems 

- Developing & Using Models

- Planning & Carrying Out Investigations 

- Analyzing & Interpreting Data

- Using Mathematical & Computational Thinking 

- Constructing Explanations & Designing Solutions 

- Engaging in Argument from Evidence 

- Obtaining, Evaluating & Communicating Information

  • PRIMARY TEXT: Amplify Science, Amplify Education
  • Microbiome
  • Metabolism
  • Traits and Reproduction
  • Thermal Energy
  • Ocean, Atmosphere, and Climate
  • Weather Patterns
  • Earth's Changing Climate

  • PRIMARY TEXT: Amplify Science, Amplify Education
  • Geology on Mars
  • Plate Motion
  • Rock Transformations
  • Phase Change
  • Chemical Reactions
  • Populations and Resources
  • Matter and Energy in Ecosystems

  • PRIMARY TEXT: Amplify Science, Amplify Education
  • Harnessing Human Energy
  • Force and Motion
  • Magnetic Fields
  • Light Waves
  • Earth, Moon and Sun
  • Natural Selection
  • Evolutionary History
  • IJAS Science Fair



- Geography and map skills

- Interpretation of graphs, charts & tables

- Vocabulary

- Note-taking skills

- Analysis and interpretation of primary sources

  • PRIMARY TEXT: Discovering Our Past, A History of the World, McGraw-Hill
  • Paleolithic & Neolithic Ages
  • Early World Civilizations: Sumeria; Greece; Rome; African; Asian; Aztec & Incan 
  • Middle Ages; Renaissance
  • Read, research & complete projects for given civilizations/time periods
  • Compare & contrast World Civilizations to our U.S. society & government
  • Enjoy Virtual Reality (VR) field trips
  • PRIMARY TEXT: American History, Pearson
  • Early North American & South American civilizations
  • Native American Indian tribes’ past & current issues
  • People/events from 1492-1865
  • Research, discuss, debate, & complete projects on early American events
  • Understand historical events from different perspectives
  • Experience our state capital, Springfield , on our annual field trip
  • PRIMARY TEXT: American History, Pearson
  • Review Civil War
  • Reconstruction, Western Expansion, Industrial Revolution, WWI, Roaring 20s - Civil Rights Era
  • Summarize and lead discussions regarding current events
  • Support thesis claim through synthesizing information from various historical sources 
  • Experience our nation’s capital, Washington, D.C., on our annual field trip