8A Technology '19-20 Assignments

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Share your SFS Memories via a Digital Media Format in Google Classroom

Share your SFS Memories via a Digital Media Format

Create a digital collage, slideshow or video highlighting your favorite memories, your friends, teachers, special events, etc, that made your time at St. Francis meaningful to you. These will be shared with classmates, teachers and parents, so please be respectful.

Videos - 1:00-2:00 minute iMove or weVideo including photos, text and music
Slides - Google Slides should also include photos, text and music
Digital Collage - Google Drawing, Canva, Photoshop (if you already have it at home) should include photos and text. Set your page size to 8.5 x 11 inches (Portrait) or 11 x 8.5 inches (Landscape) at a minimum, you may choose larger, if you have a lot of pictures you wish to include.

Text - share your favorite stories, your favorite inspirational quotes about childhood, your dreams, growing up, your future or a favorite Bible verse.
Photos - from preschool through this year are welcome
Music - should be appropriate for the audience and occaision

Let me know if you have any questions!

Due 5/22


4th Quarter Typing - Due May 22 in Google Classroom

4th Quarter Typing - Due May 22

Each quarter Middle School students must complete 30 minutes of timed tying tests on www.typing.com.

Students must earn at least 20 WPM or higher and an accuracy of 95% or higher for the test to count towards your 30 minutes.

Students should strive to be within these ranges or higher by the end of the year.
6th grade - 25-35 WPM
7th grade - 30-40 WPM
8th grade: 35-45 WPM

If you forgot your typing.com account and have been logging in using your school Google Account, you need to add that account to my class in typing.com so I can see your progress. Log into typing.com, in the upper right hand corner, click on your name and go to Account Settings. Then scroll down to join a class. For the class code, enter sfstechnology and click join. Then I should be able to see your work.


Week May 11th - Lesson 22 Design & Build Your Own Game in Google Classroom

Week May 11th - Lesson 22 Design & Build Your Own Game

Now it's your turn to build your own game! But first we need to design our game and come up with a plan for what our game will do! You must complete the attached design document before starting to code.

You've built out examples of:
- a collector game (bunny & coin)
- a flyer game (flybot)
- platform Jumper (aliens & stars)
- defender game (cake defender)

Other types of games you could try:
- maze
- pong game (ball game) or paddle and brick
- platformer/side scroller game (if you're looking for a challenge)
- adventure quest (like an RPG quest game)

Other questions to think about during your design:
How many levels will your game have? What are the requirements to complete each level? How do you win the game? How do you lose? Will there be points? How do players score points? How do your sprites move? Which sprites are user controlled and which are computer controlled? What happens when your main sprite touches each of the other sprites?

Be sure to read the rubric to make sure your code matches the requirements.
Please let me know if you have any questions.


Week May 4th - Lesson 21 Using the Game Design Process in Google Classroom

Week May 4th - Lesson 21 Using the Game Design Process

When you check out the platform jumper game in level 2, take a closer look at how they DEFINEd the game. See if you can answer the following questions: What is the object of the game? What are the rules? How do you score points? How do the characters move? How many objects does the player need to collect?

Plan out the pieces needed to recreate this game in your Project Guide. All the lessons we've completed this year helped PREPARE you for the task of building this game. What will your background look like? Which variables will you need?
How many sprites should you create? How will your sprites move in the game? Whare are some of the sprite interactions?
What are some possible functions you need?

After you have planned out your game, TRY to buld it. In levels 18 & 19, they will show you a Plane Jumper and a Bunny Jumper game. Look at the unique features in these games. REFLECT: Which of these features do you want to add to your Platform Jumper game? You will be asked to build them out in level 20.

Extra Credit: 3 points, why did I capitalize those words? Tell me in the private comments.

The link to the weekly Google Meet for help debugging your code is below. Fridays, 10:00 am-10:40


Weeks of April 20th & 27 - Lesson 20 Game Design Process in Google Classroom

Weeks of April 20th & 27 - Lesson 20 Game Design Process

This lesson walks you through how to build a game from start to finish. A large part of creating a game, is designing the game first. When designing a game, you need to think through the following key questions:
- what is the object of the game?
- how many sprites will there be? User controlled, computer controlled, obstacles, etc
- what will your background look like?
- how do your sprites interact? What happens when each of the sprites interact? Examples of sprite interactions: lose points, score points, objects disappear, sprite is stopped, lose a life, game over, level completed, etc
- how many different levels will there be in your game? How do you complete a level? How do you win/lose the game?
- what functions will be needed in this game? How should the functions be named and which parameters, if any, do they require?
- how many additional variables will be needed? what they are called? What are their initial values?

In this lesson, you are given a completed design document to help you write the code. Note, they have identified the number of sprites needed, the interactions that should take place between your sprites, scoring as well as how many different functions you should be creating. Please use the information in the design document to help you complete each activity.

It is due Friday, May 1 (end of day)
Remember there is a weekly Google Meet every Friday at 10:00 am - 10:40 to assist witih any debugging questions.

If you need assistance before then, please email me or send private messages via this assignment in Google Classroom.


Week of April 13th- Lesson 19 - Functions in Google Classroom

Week of April 13th- Lesson 19 - Functions

This week you will create your own functions that you will call from within your game.
A function is a block of code that you define to complete a task that can be called from multiple places within your larger program. Just like you use rect(x, y, width, height) or ellipse(x, y, width, height) to draw the shapes.
In the last lesson, you created code that assigned your coin's x & y values to random numbers when the coin was first created and then everytime the character touched the coin. We could have created a function called: resetCoin() that set the coin.x and coin.y to random numbers and called this function after we created our sprite and then again when the character touched the coin.
Follow the directions in each activity closely. Complete all 13 levels.

There is a Google Meet to help with debugging on Friday April 17th at 10:00 AM.


Week April 7th: Lesson 18 - Collisions in Google Classroom

Week April 7th: Lesson 18 - Collisions

In this lesson you will learn different ways to make your characters react when they collide or touch.
sprite1.displace("sprite2"), sprite1.collide("sprite2"), sprite1.bounce("sprite2") and sprite1.bounceOff("sprite2")

Read through the slides and then complete lesson 18.

There will be no debugging call this Friday as it is Good Friday and there is no eLearning.
You can email me your questions and I will respond as quickly as I can.


week March 30 - Lesson 17 Complex Sprite Movements in Google Classroom

week March 30 - Lesson 17 Complex Sprite Movements

Complete lesson 17 in code.org

In this lesson you will combine the veloctiyX and velocityY blocks with the counter pattern to make your sprites accelerate (speed up) or decelerate (slow down).

When building out the game, you must follow the directions in code.org. If your code does not meet the requirements stated in the Do This section, you will not receive credit for that activity. Future lessons build off the game you start in this lesson, so you will have trouble if you don't complete this lesson. Similar to the difficulties some of you faced in Lesson 16, when you didn't finish building out Lesson 15 and making the frog jump and the mushroom move across the screen and reset on the other side.

If you are interested in having a video conference call on Friday during our regular class time to go over questions or to help you debug, please let me know. If there is interest, I will post the link in classroom and send email invitations to the call.

I've also posted a slide deck as a Material (see Classwork tab) that has common errors I am finding when I grade your code. If you are having trouble debugging a problem, you may want to check to see if I address it there.


Reminder: 3rd Quarter Typing - Due March 20 in Google Classroom

Reminder: 3rd Quarter Typing - Due March 20

Each quarter Middle School students must complete 30 minutes of timed tying tests on www.typing.com.

Students must earn at least 15 WPM or higher and an accuracy of 95% or higher for the test to count towards your 30 minutes.

Students should strive to be within these ranges or higher by the end of the year.
6th grade - 25-35 WPM
7th grade - 30-40 WPM
8th grade: 35-45 WPM


Lesson 16 Collision Detection in Google Classroom

Lesson 16 Collision Detection

1. Complete the activities in code.org
2. 3rd Quarter typing is due Friday by 2pm.

I will be online and can see your code if you need help debugging during school hours. Just email me or post a comment in classroom.


Lesson 15 Velocity in Google Classroom

Lesson 15 Velocity

Complete all the activities in code.org for Lesson 15.
Work with your 2:00 partner


Lesson 14 - Create an animated, interactive Greeting Card in Google Classroom

Lesson 14 - Create an animated, interactive Greeting Card

To review what we've learned in Chapter 1, we will create an animated, interactive Greeting Card using javascript

Your card must contain the following elements:
1. 3 or more sprites
2. User input - at least 1 sprite responds to user input (Keyboard or Mouse)
3. At least 3 different sprite properties (x, y, scale, rotation, visible, etc) were updated INSIDE the draw loop
4. At least 1 conditional is triggered by a variable or sprite property (sprite.x < 200)
5. Increment or decrement a variable or sprite property using the counter pattern
6. Include text that informs the user how to use the card

You will be graded based on the attached rubric.
If you'd like to plan out your card before coding, use the attached Planning Guide.


Lesson 13 Other Forms of Input in Google Classroom

Lesson 13 Other Forms of Input

Complete all online activities. You may work with your 10:00 partner.


Lesson 12 - User Input and Conditionals in Google Classroom

Lesson 12 - User Input and Conditionals

Complete all the activities in the lesson with your 6:00 partner.
Complete 1 of the challenge activities


Lesson 11 - Booleans and Conditionals in Google Classroom

Lesson 11 - Booleans and Conditionals

Complete all coding activities in Lesson 10 on code.org
You may work with your 1:00 partner


2nd Quarter Typing - Due Jan 16 in Google Classroom

2nd Quarter Typing - Due Jan 16

Each quarter Middle School students must complete 30 minutes of timed tying tests on www.typing.com.

Students must earn at least 15 WPM or higher and an accuracy of 95% or higher for the test to count towards your 30 minutes.

Students should strive to be within these ranges or higher by the end of the year.
6th grade - 25-35 WPM
7th grade - 30-40 WPM
8th grade: 35-45 WPM


Lesson 8 Variables Unplugged in Google Classroom

Lesson 8 Variables Unplugged

Work with your 8:00 partners today as we learn how to update or modify the values stored in variables.


Lesson 7 Draw Loop in Google Classroom

Lesson 7 Draw Loop

Complete all the activities in Lesson 7 in code.org
You may work with your 5:00 partner


Lesson 6 Sprites in Google Classroom

Lesson 6 Sprites

You will learn how to create sprites (characters) and add them to your images.
You will use the createSprite() function as well as the sprite .setAnimation() function, which lets you choose the image for your sprite.
drawSprites( ) will render (or draw all your sprites on your screen).
Complete lesson 6 activities in code.org There are 18 activity levels in lesson 6. Please complete all levels.

Attached is a planning guide for your scene.


Lesson 5 Variables in Google Classroom

Lesson 5 Variables

We will learn how to use variables in our code as place holders for different values.
We will also learn rules for naming variables.


Lesson 4 - Shapes and Randomization in Google Classroom

Lesson 4 - Shapes and Randomization

Today we will learn how to remove the borders when our shapes are drawn.
We will also learn how to randomize placement of objects using a random number generator.


Lesson 3 - Drawing in Game Lab in Google Classroom

Lesson 3 - Drawing in Game Lab

Complete the activities in code.org with your parnter


Lesson 1 Programming for the Entertainment Industry in Google Classroom

Lesson 1 Programming for the Entertainment Industry

Teday we will look at how people use programming and computer science in the entertainment industries


1st Quarter Typing in Google Classroom

1st Quarter Typing

Each quarter Middle School students must complete 30 minutes of timed tying tests on www.typing.com.

Students must earn at least 15 WPM or higher and an accuracy of 95% or higher for the test to count towards your 30 minutes.

Students should strive to be within these ranges or higher by the end of the year.
6th grade - 25-35 WPM
7th grade - 30-40 WPM
8th grade: 35-45 WPM


Being Aware of What You Share in Google Classroom

Being Aware of What You Share

1. Complete the Ad Detective Activity with your 9:00 partner

2. Complete the Google Form


Plan a Trip!  Create an itinerary and Budget in Google Classroom

Plan a Trip! Create an itinerary and Budget

For your final spreadsheet assignment, you will plan a family trip. You will need to do research on the internet to find prices and things to do. The trip should be at least 5 days and you must leave the Chicago area. Your spreadsheet workbook should have at least 3 tabs. Use the '+' at the bottom to add second and 3rd tabs.
On the first tab, create an itinerary for your trip. Aside from meals, you must have at least 1 sightseeing activity each morning and each afternoon.
On the second tab, create a budget.
For the budget (5 columns):
1. Line item (What your expense is - hotel, transportation, food, activities, souvenirs, etc)
2. Budgeted amount (quote/price)
3. # people
4. Subtotal
Be sure to total up the cost of your vacation.
On the 3rd tab, you must cite your sources for your prices. Please take a screenshot of each of your quotes and include the URL for each one.

If you get stuck or need ideas on where to look up pricing, please reference the attached links. Please note my requirements are different from theirs.


Create your avatar for your account in Google Classroom

Create your avatar for your account

Use the website link below to create an avatar of yourself. It must be school appropriate


Create a Budget given a bank statement in Google Classroom

Create a Budget given a bank statement

We will review creating a budget today. This time we will take a sample bank statement, categorize the expenses and total up the amount earned and spent in each category.

We will use an example from Google's Applied Digital Skills Course. Start by watching the first video, then complete the steps required before moving on to the next video. Continue with each step until you have finished each step. Be sure to complete the Monthly Budget Evaluation questions and attach the Doc and the Spreadsheet when turning in.

You may work with your 6:00 partner. You must each turn in your own work.


Create a Lunch Order Spreadsheet in Google Classroom

Create a Lunch Order Spreadsheet

You will be creating a spreadsheet to capture your lunch order and total the cost of all items.

You have a budget of $15. You are purchasing lunch for you and a friend from the school cafeteria.
Use the attached Lunch Bunch Menu to get a list of items and prices.
Create a spreadsheet that lists the items you are purchasing, the quantity of each and their cost per item.
Then total up the cost of the entire lunch.
Use another function to determine how much change you would receive.
See the attached directions for specific details on what else is required.

You may work with your 1:00 partner. You must each submit your own spreadsheet. (no shared copies!)


Create your School Schedule in Google Sheets in Google Classroom

Create your School Schedule in Google Sheets

Title your schedule and center over the data (merge cells)
1st column - list periods
2nd column - list start times
3rd column - list subjects
4th column - list your teachers
Center text and add borders to schedule cells


Read and sign Expectations Sheet & Responsible Use Policy in Google Classroom

Read and sign Expectations Sheet & Responsible Use Policy

Welcome back!
Please read and sign the expectations sheet. Please have your parent read and sign.
I've attached a copy, in case you misplaced the handout from class. It is due Tuesday, Aug 27.

A copy of the RUP can be found on the school website.