6A Technology '19-20 Assignments

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Design Challenge & Google Meet Tuesday 5/19 1:20 pm in Google Classroom

Design Challenge & Google Meet Tuesday 5/19 1:20 pm

Google Meet Tuesday 5/19 at 1:20 pm

Create a solution to safely deliver meals or supplies to the elderly or sick while we practice social distancing.

We will use the 4 Steps in the Problem Solving Process: Define, Prepare, Try and Reflect
Define: Understand the problem and the requirements
Prepare: brainstorm ideas and create a Design for a solution
Try: build a model using items available around the house- paper, cardboard boxes, items from recycling bin, clay/play doh, fabric, scissors, tape, glue, yarn, etc.
Reflect: What would you change or do differently? What do think worked well in the build? What did you have trouble with?

Complete the attached Design document. Include your brainstorming and then your design. Include a drawing of your solution and then using materials from around the house, build out a model or prototype of your solution. Add photo of your model or a short video explaining how it works.


4th Quarter Typing - Due May 22 in Google Classroom

4th Quarter Typing - Due May 22

Each quarter Middle School students must complete 30 minutes of timed tying tests on www.typing.com.

Students must earn at least 15 WPM or higher and an accuracy of 95% or higher for the test to count towards your 30 minutes.

Students should strive to be within these ranges or higher by the end of the year.
6th grade - 25-35 WPM
7th grade - 30-40 WPM
8th grade: 35-45 WPM

If you forgot your typing.com account and have been logging in using your school Google Account, you need to add that account to my class in typing.com so I can see your progress. Log into typing.com, in the upper right hand corner, click on your name and go to Account Settings. Then scroll down to join a class. For the class code, enter sfstechnology and click join. Then I should be able to see your work.


Create a 1:00-2:00 minute video about your Dream Vacation in Google Classroom

Create a 1:00-2:00 minute video about your Dream Vacation

This week we will learn video creation and editing using WeVideo. WeVideo should be accessible via browser for Chromebooks, Windows and Mac devices via the link below. If you are using an iPad or other tablet, you will need to download the app. Create a free account for weVideo using your school Google Account.

Use WeVideo to create a 1-2 minute video about your dream vacation. Where will you go? What will you do?

Each video should include:
- video or photographs or creative commons licensed images (Google Advanced Search)
- soundtrack - use from weVideo library or record your own voice
Text in at least 4 places:
- Title
- Middle (at least 2 times)
- Ending

Watch my video for a quick overview on how to use weVideo. Then create your video highlighting your dream vacation (past or future). I've created an example to give you an idea of what I am looking for. You choose where you'd like to go, what you'd like to do and see.

Click Finish to finalize your video. Export your video to Google Drive, so you can attach to Google Classroom. If you encounter issues exporting (if you used their video clips or enhanced features), try to download it onto your computer and then uploading into Drive or share a copy with me.


Create a "How To" Video using Screencastify in Google Classroom

Create a "How To" Video using Screencastify

YouTube is full of "How To" videos, this week you will be creating your own using the Screencastify chrome extension.

1. Watch the attached video on tips for making a How To Video
2. Determine your topic - have fun with this, pick something you really like to do. It's your turn to be the teacher, what are you going to teach me?
3. Create a storyboard - sketch out what you are going to show in your video (on paper or online). They discuss this in the video. They give you 3 examples. (5 pt)
4. Create a script (5 pt)
5. Record your video (10 pt)

Haven't used Screencastify before? Check out my How to Use Screencastify video and the Screencastify Basics doc attached below.

Your How To video should be between 1:00 - 5:00 min in length. Screencastify will cut you off at 5:00 minutes.
When turning in you need at least 3 attachments:
- storyboard
- script
- video


Build out Your Game in Scratch - Week 1 in Google Classroom

Build out Your Game in Scratch - Week 1

Once you've completed your design (Step 1), it's time to start coding your game!
Use your design document to help you with your coding.

This week (4/13), focus on:
Step 2: Backgrounds:
a) draw/choose all backgrounds needed for your game
b) create the code to switch background to the first scene when the game starts. If you have additional backgrounds, set up the code for when the background switches to the other scenes.
c) for scrolling backdrops, watch the videos in my Materials post of references or check out the CS First video link in the attached slides

Step 3: Sprites:
a)Create all your sprites - choose or draw out all of their costumes, this includes all obstacles, enemies and main characters
b) Sprite Movement - code how your main sprites will move right, left, up and down using the arrow keys on the keyboard. Does your sprite need to jump? Create the code for that as well. Not sure how to do that? Check out the videos posted in Classroom.
c)Code how your enemy sprites move. Check out the random number generator to have them appear in different spots on your screen.

Next week, you will finish up by focusing on sprite interactions and rules for game play. What happens when two sprites touch, set up code for scoring, adding a timer, staying within the boundaries, etc.


Build out Your Game in Scratch - Week 2 in Google Classroom

Build out Your Game in Scratch - Week 2

Use your design document to help you with your coding.

This week (4/20), focus on:
Step 4: Sprite Interactions
a) for each sprite, what happens if they touch each of the other sprites
b) be sure to test out each one to make sure it works they way you want it to

Step 5: Scoring and Other Game Play rules/logic
a)Write the code to keep track of your score. (set initial score to 0, add points, remove points)
b)Write the code for how/when the game ends. How does the player win? How does the player lose?
c)Write code for any additional game play rules. How do you change levels? Is there a timer? Are there extra challenges or obstacles that need to be coded?
d) If doing a maze, did you write the code to prevent the user from moving across the lines of your maze or going out of bounds?

You should have a functioning game by next Tuesday, April 28th


Google Meet Tues 1:20 - Design a Game in Scratch in Google Classroom

Google Meet Tues 1:20 - Design a Game in Scratch

You will be creating a game in Scratch. But first we need to design our game and come up with a plan for what our game will do! You must complete the attached design document before starting to code.
You can choose from the following types:
Pong Game (Ball Game) or Paddle and Brick
Flying Game (like Flappy Bird)
Platformer/Side Scroller Game
Adventure Quest (like an RPG quest game)
If you have another idea, please discuss with me.

Your design document is due next Tuesday, April 14th at the start of class.


CS First Activity #8 Your Innovation Story in Google Classroom

CS First Activity #8 Your Innovation Story

Create a story/commercial in Scratch for an idea for a new product you have.
Please read through the slides for an overview of what you will be doing.

1. Start with their starter project.
2. Choose your narrator.
3. Your commercial must have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.
4. You must use 3 pairs of "Broadcast and Wait" blocks and "When I Receive" blocks to correspond to each of the three parts in #3.
5. Your commercial/story must use all 4 add ons:
- Scene Change: a different setting for each part of the commercial: intro, body, conclusion
- Building Volume - incorporate a song into your commercial and have the volume change throughout
- Protect Your Idea - Ask the audience not to share your innovative idea and take action based on their response
- Add Interactivity - Ask the audience questions and respond appropriately for each response

At a minimum, you should have #1-4 above done this week by Friday at 2 pm!
The week after break you can work on your add-ons. Please share your new project as soon as you remix the starter so I can check in and see your progress and help you with any debugging questions you may have.

Don't forget:
1. Q3 Typing is due by 2pm on Friday.
2. Any Missing Work is due by 2pm Friday. Otherwise you will receive a 0 for the assignment.
3. Turn in your Personal Narrative Scratch project into Studio #10
4. You can email me or post a class or private comment in classroom and I will respond. I am online during school hours.


3rd Quarter Typing - Due March 20 in Google Classroom

3rd Quarter Typing - Due March 20

Each quarter Middle School students must complete 30 minutes of timed tying tests on www.typing.com.

Students must earn at least 15 WPM or higher and an accuracy of 95% or higher for the test to count towards your 30 minutes.

Students should strive to be within these ranges or higher by the end of the year.
6th grade - 25-35 WPM
7th grade - 30-40 WPM
8th grade: 35-45 WPM


CS First Activity #7 - Personal Narrative in Google Classroom

CS First Activity #7 - Personal Narrative

1. Choose a premise from the list:
My perfect day…
My life if I were famous…
If I had a superpower...
2. Write a story based on the premise
3. Complete all Add Ons:
a. Write a song
b. Easter Egg
c. Add a second scene
d. User Controlled Decision
e. Add a credits scene


CS First #6 Interactive Storytelling in Google Classroom

CS First #6 Interactive Storytelling

Today we will be creating stories in which the user can interact with the story.

1. Use the Starter Project and click remix.
2. All stories start with a brick wall backdrop. You choose 2 additional backdrops - 1 for if the character goes through the secret door, 1 if they don’t.
3. Use the Ask Block to ask if the user wants to go through a secret door.
4. If yes, switch to the 1st backdrop, any other answer switch to the 2nd backdrop.
5. Create 2 different stories, one for each backdrop. Trigger each story with the “When Backdrop Switches to” block.
6. Use all 4 add ons: password to enter the door, arrow keys to find the door, 3rd character, 4th scene.


CS First #5 Characterization in Google Classroom

CS First #5 Characterization

Today you will create a story where a narrator describes the thoughts and actions of a second character who then acts them out.

1. Sign in to Scratch
2. Choose one of the starter projects
3. Click Remix to save your code!
4. Each starter project has several broadcast messages and the character’s reactions to them. You choose when to broadcast these messages. DO NOT REMOVE THESE MESSAGES OR CHARACTERS!!!
5. Create the story for your character through the narrator’s dialogue.
6. Make your character walk by switching costumes and using the move blocks.
7. Complete 3 add-ons from the list: change setting, animate narrator, create and play a song, mystery box and add another character. See CS First for details.


CS First Activity #4 Premise in Google Classroom

CS First Activity #4 Premise

Create a story using 1 of the 4 conflict Starters. Be sure to login into Scratch and remix the code.
USE ALL of these add ons:
Add dynamic dialogue
Fading transition between scenes
Plan a means of escape
Deus Ex Machima
End Story with Animation


2nd Quarter Typing - Due Jan 16 in Google Classroom

2nd Quarter Typing - Due Jan 16

Each quarter Middle School students must complete 30 minutes of timed tying tests on www.typing.com.

Students must earn at least 15 WPM or higher and an accuracy of 95% or higher for the test to count towards your 30 minutes.

Students should strive to be within these ranges or higher by the end of the year.
6th grade - 25-35 WPM
7th grade - 30-40 WPM
8th grade: 35-45 WPM


CS First Activity #3 - Setting in Google Classroom

CS First Activity #3 - Setting

Create a story using the Rainy Day Starter:
Make it rain using a forever loop
Add random lightning flashes, use the repeat loop
Code the story
Pick 2 Add ons:
Characters React to lightning
Animated Lightning Bolt
Sun Comes Out Scene
Thunder and Rain Sounds
Create an earthquake using Broadcast block
Code a rainbow to appear in the sky


Create a Christmas Card in Scratch for your parents in Google Classroom

Create a Christmas Card in Scratch for your parents

Make an animated, interactive Christmas Card for your parents:
- at least 2 sprites that talk to each other
- holiday themed background
- at least 1 sound
- be interactive - click on at least 1 sprite and have something happen (movement, sound, change color, etc)


CS First Activity #2 - Check it Out! in Google Classroom

CS First Activity #2 - Check it Out!

You will need to use a Story Starter from CS First. DO NOT DELETE any of their code! Only add to it.

Add at least 3 objects for your character to interact with using the “broadcast” blocks.
Tell the story of how your character interacts with the objects using Say or Think blocks
Add 2 of the 3 new Add Ons for this project
Add your project to your class Studio in Scratch


CS First Activity #1 - Dialogue in Google Classroom

CS First Activity #1 - Dialogue

We will be using the CS First Storytelling Curriculum to create stories in Scratch.
See the link below to access CS First. Follow the directions in CS First.

Create a story program with:
2 or more sprites
1 background
Code a conversation between the 2 sprites using one of the starters. Each character must talk 6 or more times.
Use 3 or more Add ons
When done, save and share in the class studio


Create a Dance Party in Scratch in Google Classroom

Create a Dance Party in Scratch

In this activity, you will follow the Getting Started Tutorial to create a simple
project in Scratch. Once you have completed the steps, experiment by adding
other Scratch blocks to make the project your own and make it a dance party.

Your project must have:
- at least 1 sprite
- at least 1 backdrop
- your sprite must move
- music

The tutorial will help you:
- add a backdrop, add a sprite, animate a sprite, resize a sprite, add visual effects to your sprite

1. Can you make your own music?
2. Can you create your own costumes for your sprite?


Program a sprite to move across the screen using any of the blue Motion blocks.
Be sure to use the When Green Flag Clicked event block (under events) to run your program. in Google Classroom

Program a sprite to move across the screen using any of the blue Motion blocks. Be sure to use the When Green Flag Clicked event block (under events) to run your program.


Create a new Account for Scratch and join my class via the link below in Google Classroom

Create a new Account for Scratch and join my class via the link below

We will be learning Scratch this year. Scratch is a visual programming environment that allows you to create stories, animations, art, videos, games, etc.
After a few introductory lessons we will use the Google CS First curriculum to build out vairous stories in Scratch.

1. Please create an account in Scratch (Do not use your name! and please use the following email account: [email protected]) via the link below.

2, Update your spreadsheet (4th grade) with all your accounts to include your scratch username and password.

3. Post a private comment to me with your Scratch username.

4. Log in and explore.


1st Quarter Typing in Google Classroom

1st Quarter Typing

Each quarter Middle School students must complete 30 minutes of timed tying tests on www.typing.com.

Students must earn at least 15 WPM or higher and an accuracy of 95% or higher for the test to count towards your 30 minutes.

Students should strive to be within these ranges or higher by the end of the year.
6th grade - 25-35 WPM
7th grade - 30-40 WPM
8th grade: 35-45 WPM


Finding Credible News Recap in Google Classroom

Finding Credible News Recap


Finding credible news in Google Classroom

Finding credible news


Using your Search Strategies in Google Classroom

Using your Search Strategies

Use your search strategies and the 5 step plan to answer the questions in the attached file.

Please fill out each section of the table.
Be sure to answer all parts of the question. Some are multiple part questions.


Vocabulary Quiz in Google Classroom

Vocabulary Quiz

Please note questions with checkboxes may have more than one correct answer.


Please complete the Computer Parts vocabulary worksheet in Google Classroom

Please complete the Computer Parts vocabulary worksheet

You may work with your 1:00 partner. Each person must turn in their own assignment. You may use your notes.


Create your avatar for your account in Google Classroom

Create your avatar for your account

Use the website link below to create an avatar of yourself. It must be school appropriate


Create a Technology Terms Infographic in Google Classroom

Create a Technology Terms Infographic

Pick 4 terms you used incorrectly on the technology terms worksheet.
Look up the definitions of each word
Look up a picture or diagram for each word
Use bold colors to make it stand out

Examples are attached below. Please use Google Drawings.


Read and sign Expectations Sheet & Responsible Use Policy in Google Classroom

Read and sign Expectations Sheet & Responsible Use Policy

Welcome back!
Please read and sign the expectations sheet. Please have your parent read and sign.
I've attached a copy, in case you misplaced the handout from class. It is due Tuesday, Aug 27.

A copy of the Responsible Use Policy can be found on the school website.